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The following list is from the Vimeo playlist

Displaying 1 to 8 of 8

May 2, 2019An Urgent Call to Prayer 5-2-2019
...presence of the consecrated Communion Host. We want to cover President... receive direction from Holy Spirit. Pray they will be...
January 5, 2019Defeat Approaching Forces with Prayer have united in an unholy union to destroy America--and...
February 13, 2018We Are In Very Great Danger! But There Is Hope, If... Please, Jesus, Father God and Holy Spirit--please supernaturally...
July 22, 2016Evangelize with Brotherly Love & Pres. Putin's Anti Freedom of Religion Law
...supernatural, and the work of Holy Spirit. It was the overwhelming...
July 18, 2016Judgement, War & Rapture DELAYED!!!!! Mercy for America & The World
...carry the signature of the Holy Spirit. I'm thinking we're...
March 22, 2015What If This Were Your Last Few Weeks, REVISED, Nuclear War, Rapture your hearts, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what...
December 28, 2014Russian Fighters over Nebraska, Prophetic Dream
...had the signature of the Holy Spirit. All we can do is...
June 24, 2016The Destruction of America - the Modern Day Nineveh
...adversity. Tonight, when I had a communion service, I held up the wine...